Jess Le Clerc Fine Art

Online Oil Painting Masterclass

With Jess Le Clerc

“This masterclass was created to teach you the things I wish someone taught me when I started painting. It gives you the tools and methods required to develop a forever skill and long-lasting relationship with painting. “ – Jess

Participants will learn how to paint through three fundamental modes; perspective, value, and colour temperature.

This Masterclass is broken up into 7 Chapters with a total of 7.5 hours of video content. Jess will be demonstrating in each of the chapters, including painting a portrait from start to finish.

$297 AUD includes 7.5 hrs of video content, learning guide, physical & digital templates.

Practice Based Learning

This masterclass is built around 100% practice-based learning. It will not be as helpful to just watch the videos and listen to Jess’ teaching. Students will need to actively participate in the practices Jess has assigned. While she is there to support and guide students, the success of this course depends on students commitment to showing up to the work for themselves.

“The artists that I have seen have the most long-term success from, aren’t the ones who naturally produced the best artwork early on, they are the ones who learnt how to master themselves and keep showing up to practice.” – Jess

Discover Your Style

Currently running Australia’s largest private art school with over 700 weekly students, Jess has established herself not only as a professional art teacher with over 26 years experience, but as an award winning artist in her own right. This combination of both practicing artist & teacher is what sets Jess and her workshop apart.

Having also attended in-person workshops around the world by other industry professionals including Casey Baugh, David Kassan, Shana Levenson, Robin Eley and many more excellent art educators, she continues to curiously search for language and understanding to share with others. She believes that art making is a skill and expression that should be made available to everyone.

"My goal in this Masterclass is to teach you how to stay motivated, how to practise and how to produce work uniquely your own."

Masterclass Learning Outcomes:

  • Strengthening your skills of observation
  • How to build the skill of drawing & why you need it for painting
  • Colour Mixing
  • Functionality of Oil Painting
  • Designing an artwork/composition, mark making & colour palette decisions
  • Technical Application of Oil Paint & Brush Control
  • How to choose & edit photos to use as reference in painting
  • What supplies to use to create high quality paintings
  • Using a limited palette

Supplies Needed:

Below is a suggested list from Jess of the supplies you will need to do the workshop. There is further information about supplies upon purchase in your learning booklet.

Jess has a curation of her suggested paints & brushes available via

You’ll also receive a code once the workshop is purchased to get 20% off your supplies via Art Store Co. 

Paints needed

  • Schmincke Norma Royal Blue
  • Winsor & Newton Artists’ Cobalt Blue
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ French Ultramarine
  • Schmincke Norma Transparent Red Brown
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Permanent Alizarin Crimson
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Cadmium Red
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Cadmium Orange
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Cadmium Yellow Pale
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Yellow Ochre Light
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Naples Yellow Light
  • Winsor Newton Artists’ Titanium White

Brushes Recommended

  • Neef Indian Sable Round #4
  • Neef Indian Sable Bright #6
  • Neef Indian Sable Filbert #4
  • Neef Smooshing #4
  • Neef Smooshing #8
  • Neef Hog Bright #5
  • Neef Hog Filbert #12

Other supplies needed

  • 12×16″ or 20×24″ Canvas or A3 Oil paper 
  • Brush cleaner (Gamsol, turpentine, cleaning oil)
  • Paint medium to thin & speed up dry time (E.g.: Moonshine, Galkyd, Neo Meglip etc)
  • Paint Palette (glass is recommended)
  • Paint Rags
  • Graphite Pencils (HB, 2B)
  • Pastel pencil to draw up your painting 

Masterclass Contents:

Chapter 1: Why are you here?

Chapter 2: Drawing –  Perspective & Tone

Chapter 3: Colour Mixing

Chapter 4: Functionality of Oil Painting

Chapter 5: Mark Making

Chapter 6: Design

Chapter 7: Demonstration of the Portrait

Students will receive a link to download Jess’ learning guide & templates, as well as a physical copy that will be sent via mail.

Shipping for Australian students: FREE

Shipping for rest of the world students: $25 AUD

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